October 30, 2011

East Balimore walks and talks

Conversation with Jennifer, my Irish friend in Barcelona:
Jen: *Lifting up her dog and displaying him to the Skype camera*  - "Say hiiii to Anna"
Me: Hiiii dog, nice to meet you!

Jen: He is a bit depressed.
Me: Why?
Jen: Well, he doesn't have a lot of space to run around at during the day. Fiki (Jen's boyfriend) and me are working different hours and it is difficult to find enough time where he can run around an play (not Fiki, but the dog).
Me: *Distracted by Gustav playing charades behind my shoulder* - "Hmm. Reminds me of my dog (not a dog, but Gustav).
Jen: Yea, it's so hard when you feel like they don't get to explore and play where they want. Instead they are stuck in the same area with not much to do.
Me: *Looking at my over-energized husband*. "I hear ya".

I definitely need to find more time to take Gus out for walks. Each day I watch him dreaming about surfing, skiing, diving and other hyperactive stuff and it is only a matter of time before he escapes again. I miss all that stuff too, but school keeps me so busy I barely have the time to notice.

Mostly, I really miss taking walks. Living in Baltimore has made me appreciate the luxury of being able to walk everywhere, at all times. Instead I find my self packed like a sardine at the Hopkins shuttle bus every morning, glazing out the window as we drive through the infamous East Baltimore where Bloomberg School of Public Health is situated. It is really quite weird.

We spend every day inside the same building, learning about health disparities, public health challenges, socio economic differences in incidence and prevalence of disease, and yet I feel like many people fail to recognize that we are right in the smacking middle of it all. We learn about international health challenges in low income countries, challenges that ample people face every day in our proximate neighborhood. 

Part of east Balimore
Johns Hopkins Medial Institutions in the middle of it all

Again, weird. I am not sure how to tackle it and wish I could find more time and ways to be involved and learn about Baltimore community. It has taken me some time to adapt to the city and Hopkins (still adapting every day) and tackle the intense MPH study pace, which unfortunately gets in the way of other things. Such as being able to walk and play with my husband and getting involved in the community where we live. 

Some time this month I hope to start volunteering at an HIV outreach center which conduct targeted testing and counseling to high-risk populations. I am currently working as a TA (teaching assistant) for a course in HIV/AIDS prevention which is great since I am learning so much. Sometimes I wonder how I have been able to work in this field for 5 years without all the knowledge I am currently gaining. Hopefully I will get to use it in practice soon.

Wow. This got out of hand. My intention with this blog post was originally to write (in my usual sarcastic tone) about our trip to New York and throw in some pictures from Halloween in between. How did it get so serious? Quick-fix solution:
  • For details about New York, please visit Gus blog.
  • For Halloween updates, please see the following pictures. Please observe my outfit as the brand new (?) IKEA product "ANNA" (instruction manual enclosed).
Finalists in the MPH costume competition included humans and non-humans.

Best non-humans! IKEA and the Generalized Linear Model Sara.
Instruction manual for building the IKEA product ANNA.
Make sure NOT to attach the wrong pieces as indicated in the lower left corner.

October 25, 2011

In love

Hej alla.

I'm alive. Finals are over. New semester started.

And I have a new love.

Called New York City.

Just thought I should let you know that.

Hej då så länge

October 4, 2011

Saved by the beard

Late Saturday night, I defided the rain, darkness, cold and horrible traffick and drove to the airport to pick up Gus. 

Only to experience his most recent facial hair look. It is somewhat a tradition that whenever we've been apart for a while (or about to travel somewhere), he does something weird to his beard.

Most recent look

Mozambique, Winter 2010
Summer, 2010 - I think this is the most scary look as he looks like 12 (makes me feel weird and old).
And from time to time, I let my facial hair grow as well

At least he's back in Charm City, to - as he kindly phrased it - "sätta käppar i hjulet för mina onda pluggcirklar" (rough translation: put and end to my vicious study-sick-cycle). 

About time, as I am just about to enter hibernation. Finals are approaching (can't believe it's already the end of my second semester) and if I survive these exams, I feel confident that I will make it through the year.

Anyway, a minor headsup that you might not see much of me before Oct 20th. I'll throw in a picture of my calendar just to make things a bit more visual.

Bye bye, see you post-exams!

Oh, and welcome Birgitta (Gustavs mother who's coming to visit us next week) - hope this doesn't scare you of!