August 28, 2011

A night with Irene

I just woke up after spending more or less 24 hours, alone, inside my flat. Peaked out the window to gaze the hazardous consequenses from Irene. The only thing I can see is that the tree outside my building has one brench less than yesterday. And there's a HUGE waterpuzz downstairs. 

That's it, at least on my street.

In any case, the weather was crazy last night. At that point I couldn't even see through my window because of the rain. I felt like a cat who refuses to get wet and stayed in doing homework.

There was probably more damage in other Baltimore neighborhoods such as Fell's Point by the waterfront. People have been preparing for days there isolating houses and evacuating people, cars, animals, god knows what. I was a bit worried about my friends down there. 

Then I saw this video. I hope everyone made sure to keep their office papers safe!

(Quick not on a totally different topic: many of you have mentioned that it is impossible to comment on my blog. I finally changed the settings. So, comments please! Då blir jag glad.)


  1. Vad skönt att du verkar vara i trygghet! Kraaaaamar/MAPA

  2. Jag har tänkt mycket på dig min duktiga och rara sonhustru. Först nu hittade jag din bloguppdatering efter ovädret. En stor kram från Svärmor
